It goes without saying that you must engage in real estate lead generation if you want to obtain real estate leads. You actually need to do a lot of it. It cannot be done in a few hours tomorrow, next week, or next month. Daily execution is required.
Yes, if you are inconsistent, you can get some leads. But if you want to be a successful real estate professional and make top commissions, you must generate real estate leads every day for the rest of your career. This cannot be negotiated. OK?
It Has To Be Priority No
Lead generation has to come first. You must actually have the conviction that conducting business never comes before finding business. The first thing that needs to be done before anything else is Lead Gen every day. If you don’t live by this slogan, you’ll let other things control your day, making this task seem pointless and possibly not getting it done. If you treat it casually, your company will incur casualties.
The Problem
Not just performing any lead creation but doing it consistently is the biggest problem most agents encounter. It’s the one obstacle that frustrates most agents to the max. Successful agents engage in this crucial everyday task, while those who leave the business fail to do so.
Blocking Time
You must set aside time each day to complete this task. It’s like setting a non-cancelable appointment with yourself. Many temptations will come your way, mainly from the underperforming agents in your office. Offers to go out for a leisurely lunch or a quick cup of coffee are acceptable, but you must decline if they interfere with your scheduled time for producing real estate leads to buy appointments.
Blocking out time is difficult. It requires some self-control. But before you get too worked up over the word discipline, let me clarify that what I mean is constantly carrying out a duty. That is discipline in my eyes. There is no perfect discipline. They might be successful in certain parts of their lives, but chaos could very well exist in others. To me, discipline is maintaining consistency.
What Time Block Do Successful Real Estate Agents Use?
Why do you put in the grueling labor and long hours in your real estate career? The majority of agents would respond that they want to improve their lives and those of their families. For many people, their families come first.
Therefore, at the beginning of the year, pull out your calendar or diary and schedule your vacation time. You demonstrate to your family and to yourself that they are important by doing this. This includes scheduling in a couple midweek breaks or extended four-day weekends in addition to the lengthy travels away. These quick pauses allow you to refuel and persevere through the daily grind of generating real estate pay per lead.
Second, you need to set out time each day for lead generation. I would advise doing this on a desk or wall calendar as well as in a journal. To some extent, it depends on your level of discipline, but one complaint I hear from real estate agents who struggle with their daily tasks is that they forget to write in their journal. A wall calendar is visual, and the mind will follow what the sight sees.
A minimum of one hour each day must be dedicated to lead generation. Successful agents typically spend up to three hours every day on this work. Finally, you must devote an hour each week to arrange your calendar for the upcoming week. Planning is important. Nothing can be left to chance.